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Generative AI - Data and ML Engineer(004900)



Software Engineering, Data Science
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Posted on Monday, March 18, 2024

Digital Hub China in Nanjing attracts, grows, and develops passionate people who will meaningfully impact the digital future of BASF. Come join us and be a part of our digitalization journey.

我们的“供应链人工智能 (AI) 解决方案”团队开发创新的解决方案,从数据中获取见解,支持更好、更快的业务决策。我们为世界各地的供应链管理用户在整个生命周期中实施数据驱动的解决方案。

我们正在寻找一名数据和机器学习 (ML) 工程师,为我们的供应链和物流新数据和人工智能平台创建基于生成人工智能的解决方案。

- 作为机器学习工程师,您将负责开发满足用户需求的基于生成式人工智能的解决方案。

- 特别关注准备数据和数据管道,以创建性能良好的基于​​ GenAI 的解决方案。

- 在此角色中,您将与用户讨论应用程序功能,并为最终应用程序编写代码。

- 您可以使用即时工程和针对特定应用程序微调大型语言模型来创建和维护应用程序,并拥有 RAG、LangChain 或 LlamaIndex 等框架的经验。

- 您将不断改进和优化人工智能解决方案,以提高其性能、准确性、效率和可扩展性。

- 您确保与全球和区域巴斯夫服务单位在项目交付以及服务和支持方面进行高效合作。

- 在您的角色中,您支持新供应链智能平台从项目阶段过渡到成功运营。

Our team “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions for Supply Chains” develops innovative solutions to derive insights from data that support better and faster business decisions. We implement data-driven solutions in its complete lifecycle for users in supply chain management around the world.

We are looking for a Data and Machine Learning (ML) Engineer to create Generative AI-based solutions for our new data and AI platform for Supply Chain and Logistics.

- As an ML Engineer, you will be responsible for the development of Generative AI-based solutions that meet the needs of the users.

- Special focus is on preparing data and data pipelines to create well performing GenAI-based solutions.

- In this role, you will discuss application features with users, and write the code for the final application.

- You can create and maintain applications using prompt engineering and fine-tuning large language models for specific applications, experience with frameworks like RAG, LangChain or LlamaIndex.

- You will continuously improve and optimize AI Solutions to enhance their performance, accuracy, efficiency, and scalability.

- You ensure an efficient collaboration with global and regional BASF service units in both project delivery as well as service and support.

- In your role, you support the transition from project phase to successful operations for the new Supply Chain Intelligence platform.

Main Tasks:
- 与其他项目团队成员和利益相关者密切合作,充分了解各方的背景和业务需求,并在活动中咨询他们的意见。

- 将收集到的业务需求转化为技术概念,特别是关于平台和软件架构的技术概念。

- 支持创新和数据驱动的供应链解决方案的开发,例如供应链人工智能解决方案的设置,具有快速工程知识和针对特定应用程序微调大型语言模型的知识,以及 RAG、LangChain 或 LlamaIndex 等框架的经验。

- 推动供应链人工智能解决方案的可持续实施,包括:

1. 利用巴斯夫标准 DevOps 平台和库进行专业的机器学习工程和实施。

2. Microsoft Azure 云上微服务的构建、部署和实施。


- 在国际化的敏捷 DevOps 环境中工作,并应用敏捷原则在充满挑战的业务环境中设置优先级并管理多个利益相关者。

- 与同事分享您的知识和专业知识,并在组织内推广人工智能驱动的创新文化。

- 管理与外部供应商的沟通,以验证景观设计和集成概念。

- 通过充分且一致的变革和沟通管理,推动项目团队的数字化思维。

- Work in close alignment with the other project team members and stakeholders to fully understand background and business requirements of each party and consult them in their activities.

- Translate the collected business requirements into technical concepts, especially regarding the platform and software architecture.

- Support the development of innovative and data driven supply chain solutions like the setup of AI Solutions for Supply Chains with knowledge on prompt engineering and fine-tuning large language models for specific applications, experience with frameworks like RAG, LangChain or LlamaIndex.

- Drive the sustainable implementation of AI Solutions for Supply Chains, including:

1. Professional ML Engineering and implementation by utilizing BASF standard DevOps platform and libraries.

2. Construction, deployment, and implementation of microservices on the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

3.Generative AI related aspects, especially high-performance of the application, which works according to BASF Generative AI guidelines and compliance.

- Work in an international and agile DevOps environment and you apply agile principles for setting priorities and managing multiple stakeholders in a challenging business environment.

- Sharing your knowledge and expertise with colleagues and promoting a culture of AI-driven innovation within the organization

- Manage communication with external vendors to validate the landscape design & integration concept.

- Drive the digital mindset in the project team through adequate and consistent change and communication management.

- 工作经验:2年以上软件工程/开发专业实施经验。

- 体验敏捷工作方式或敏捷实施方法。

- 较强的沟通和演示能力。

- 至少 1 年基于数据科学和 ML 的软件开发经验。

- 利用 Microsoft Azure 云组件进行机器学习和数据科学,例如Databricks、Azure 数据工厂。

- 开发数据管道。

- 生成式人工智能焦点,例如: G 与 OpenAI。

- 优秀的 Python 编程技能,以及机器学习框架的经验。

- 能够在高度复杂的环境中与多个利益相关者一起轻松工作,并承受按时、按预算交付的巨大压力。

- 企业家精神和培养积极、充满活力的文化的能力。

- 具有学习和进步的好奇心的成长心态。

- 具有团队合作精神,具有较强的人际交往、书面和口头沟通能力。

- 需前往广东省湛江出差(每年3-4次)。

- 拥有成功的人工智能驱动项目的良好记录,最好是在工业环境中。

- 具有针对特定应用程序进行快速工程和微调大型语言模型的经验,具有 RAG、LangChain 或 LlamaIndex 等框架的经验。

- 具有其他人工智能技术的经验,例如自然语言处理或强化学习。

- 了解数据工程和预处理,包括处理大型数据集和确保数据质量。

- 熟悉人工智能道德和负责任的人工智能实践。

- 流利的英语和中文(积极贡献和参与讨论,包括技术主题和术语)至关重要。

- Working Experience: 2+ years professional implementation experience in software engineering / development.

- Experiencing Agile way of working or agile implementation approach.

- Strong Communication & Presentations skills.

- At least 1 years of software development experience based on data science and ML.

- Utilizing Microsoft Azure cloud components for ML and Data Science, e.g. Databricks, Azure Data Factory.

- Developing data pipelines.

- Generative AI focus, e. g. with OpenAI.

- Excellent programming skills in Python, and experience with machine learning frameworks.

- Comfortable working in highly complex environment with multiple stakeholders and with strong pressure to deliver on time and on budget.

- An entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to foster a positive and energized culture.

- A growth mindset with a curiosity to learn and improve.

- Team player with strong interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills.

- Business Travel to Zhanjiang, Guangdong province, will be required (3-4 times per year).

- Fluent (active contribution and participation in discussion including technical topics and terms) in English and Chinese is essential.

Nice to have:
- Proven track record of successful AI-driven projects, preferably in an industrial setting.

- Experience in prompt engineering and fine-tuning large language models for specific applications, experience with frameworks like RAG, LangChain or LlamaIndex.

- Experience with other AI technologies, such as natural language processing or reinforcement learning.

- Knowledge of data engineering and preprocessing, including handling large datasets and ensuring data quality.

- Familiarity with AI ethics and responsible AI practices.


在巴斯夫,我们为可持续发展的未来,创造化学新作用。我们将经济成功与环境保护相结合。我们肩负社会责任。巴斯夫集团超过110,000名员工为巴斯夫的成功做出了贡献。我们的客户遍布世界上几乎所有行业和几乎每个国家。我们的产品组合分为六个部分:化学品,材料,工业解决方案,表面活性剂,营养与护理以及农业解决方案。巴斯夫2020 年销售额为 590 亿欧元。更多信息请见。

Digital Hub China was founded in 2020 in Nanjing. As part of the Global Digital Hub Verbund, the hub is rapidly growing with a target of a three-digit number of employees in coming years. Focused on digitalization and innovative IT solutions to enhance BASF’s IT portfolio and expertise in China, it brings an all-around capable team of digital talents to create solutions in the context of China’s unique digital landscape to BASF. It also contributes to the smart manufacturing endeavors for the new mega project in Zhanjiang.

At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. More than 110,000 employees in the BASF Group contribute to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into six segments: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions. BASF generated sales of €59 billion in 2020. Further information at

BASF Asia-Pacific Service Center is based in Malaysia, we may reach you via Malaysia phone number.
