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Munich, Germany


Advertising · Commerce and Shopping · Media · Real Estate · Sales and Marketing · Transportation


201-1000 employees

founded in


Scout24 is a leading operator of digital marketplaces for real estate and automobiles in Germany and other selected European countries. They operate the two well-known brands ImmobilienScout24 and AutoScout24. The Scout24 marketplaces are digital pilots for all questions and decisions relating to real estate and cars. They make markets more transparent and efficient. Scout24 bundles individual additional services, such as creditworthiness information, the brokerage of relocation services or construction and car financing, in the Scout24 Consumer Services business unit. Scout24's offers are tailored to the needs of searchers: from the AutoScout24 YouTube channel to the ImmobilienScout24 smartphone app - Scout24 is where the user is. This also benefits Scout24's business customers, whose offers are bundled on the marketplaces with the help of professional tools and innovative forms of advertising and communicated to the users of the platforms in a target-group-specific manner.

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